Baby True is a smiling happy boy. As you can see from the picture he recognizes mom and dad with big smiles. He is ridiculously cute. He had a well child visit today and is now 9 pounds 2 ounces and is in the 25th percentile for growth, which according to the Dr. is great considering he was 3 weeks early. He got his Hep B shot and cried for about 15 seconds and then fell asleep immediately! That's an Echohawk trait - if stressed, sleep.
Thanksgiving was great. We had around 20 people over. I ended up roasting and smoking the turkey. Matt had to take my cousin, Danger to the ER, he has this nasty flu and had gotten dehydrated. So I smoked, cleaned, fed baby and mashed 5 pounds of potatoes (which by the way were pretty good, I was thinking about doing something fancy like adding garlic, parsley or cheeses but decided to stick to 2 sticks of butter and about a cup of heavy whipping cream.) Both Turkeys were proclaimed delicious but I think the roasted turkey was a little better. Because of my poor smoking skills the smoked turkey was a little dry.
I forgot to take pictures while everyone was at the house. I did take a pic of the table before the hoards descended. Marisa and Galen set and decorated the table,
i thought it turned out really pretty.