We can't believe it. It's a crazy miracle! We are buying a very nice duplex with Lael and should get the keys tomorrow. We were fortunate to qualify for Section 184 Housing (Native HUD housing) and our getting a great deal on a house with a big yard for baby Tru to play in. We are so blessed and our going to paint this weekend and move in completely on Sunday.
The other great thing is that BOB is moving in downstairs!!!! WAHOOOOO!
It just keeps getting better and better.
We are busy moving and baby Tru is doing well. He has had some tummy problems recently but according to the Dr. it's nothing to worry about. He is enjoying tummy time for about 10 minutes and then he is through with it and wants to be on his back where he can observe and supervise the action.
Keep praying and thinking of Mentasta Village there have been two deaths there recently and one little girl, Jessie in the hospital with lukemia. If you want to visit her she is at Children's in Seattle.
Matt has been doing amazing design work and recently did a new website for RW Anderson Construction. It's his first website using flash. Check it out at
I know I am his wife but I really think he is wonderfully talented. Not just with the technical stuff (which he taught himself) but his eye for design and knowing what will look good - I think that is the real gift!
Lots of love!