Zoey is getting incredibly big and very capable all of a sudden.
She can do the following with great proficiency
- Feed herself with a fork and spoon and drink out of a regular cup. In fact she is a great eater, she will eat all kinds of veggies and especially loves roasted carrots. Meat and cheese are the first things to be eaten on her plate, then she goes for the rice and finally her veggies. She is eating so much which makes sense with the growth she has been doing. I can't wait to see what her height percentile is when we take her for her well child in March.
- Pretend Play - Zoey has recently started to play with stuffed animals, pretending they are her babies and dragging them around to mother them. It is way cute but the car is more cluttered then normal. :) Pretending to read books is also a favorite past time.
- True still amazes us with this creative abilities. Most recently we realized that he knows how to use scissors with ease. He generally spends at least an hour a day coloring, gluing, cutting and making things"beautiful."
- He is also growing like a little weed. When he was younger we thought he was lactose intolerant and didn't allow him to have much dairy. But when Zoey started to drink milk he would ask me for some and I started to give him little glasses to see how he would react. He loves milk and has had no stomach issues. YAY! Both kids are drinking organic skim milk, at least two glasses a day.
- I have been a little concerned about vitamin D for both kids. I need to research a little about what Pacific Nortwest kids need to be taking in order to not be deficient. They take multi vitamins everyday but I think they need more D. And I need to make sure they get outside even when it is cold. :)
Zoey loves to help me cook. In order to distract her I let her peel the skin of the garlic. She loves it!