Zoey is such a lover - She loves to snuggle, nurse, be held and hug anyone but especially her brother. Uncle Bob and Uncle Howie get a lot of affection from her, if they don't pick her up she will walk over and hug their leg. So cute! I love waking up to hear her babbling and trying to get someone to wake up and notice how cute she is being. She loves to be around people and her cousins and brother our her favorite people to be with. She especially loves it if they are running, their is something about the movement that makes her yell and laugh and their funny antics.
She started to crawl at 6 months, cruising at 7 months and walking at 11 months. She will sign that she is all done and more, her words are Mama, Dada, mo (more) and hi. She has made it through her vaccinations with no fevers and irritabilitly. She has 8 teeth and they have certainly been difficult as they break through the skin. Teething seems to exasperate her desire to wake up at least 3 to 4 times a night to nurse and then snuggle with Dad, we have had many long, long nights with her but she is slowly sleeping for long chunks of time.
She is pure sweetness.

Zoey's list of likes
Playing in the tea drawer
Sleeping anywhere but her crib
Playing in her car
Playing on the deck
"Helping" to load the dishwasher
Climbing the stairs
Banging on the computer keyboard
Zoey's list of dislikes
Going to sleep in her crib
Most foods
Brother messing with her
The gate blocking the stairs