Three weeks ago I quit nursing Zoey. My sisters were shocked and dismayed because they (especially Lael) really thought I should keep breast feeding until Zoey was at least 5 years old. Can you hear the sarcasm dripping? But, to be honest I was very proud of myself for nursing her this long and was willing to go until she was two. However she was only nursing at night to put herself back to sleep and it was really keeping us both awake at night and made for a tired mommy and a grumpy Zoey so we stopped. She was ticked off to not be able to get in bed with us in the middle of the night and nurse whenever she wanted. Matt would go to her crib at night and talk to her, sing a little song and watch his ipod while she cried with such intensity you would think that we were stabbing her in the legs. She did this for a couple of nights and then got the idea of what was happening and has been sleeping through the night for a couple of weeks now!
Can I hear an Amen? Can I hear dancing and frolicking in the streets?
Free at LAST!!!!!!!
I was getting so tired of being tired!

While I was busy doing the running man, Matt got some amazing bonding time with Zoey. She is wild in love with her Daddy and I love it. She has taken to calling him, Maaaaatttt and when on the plane to Hawaii all she wanted was Maaattt. And, I was so happy because I could sit next to my peaceful little True-Blue and read my book and play on my ipad while Matt wrangled the little diva. I would occasionally glance up from readings and give a benevolent smile while inwardly I pumped my fist and thought not for the first time that I am the luckiest girl in the world!