Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Grocery Outlet

Recently, I have become more aware of the phenomenon and tragedy that is Grocery Outlet. There are now two stores within a 3 mile radius from our lovely neighborhood in North Seattle and I have started hitting the aisles at the 130th and Aurora location a couple of times a month. I have gotten some great deals and a lot of weird and highly unusual items as well.

For instance, we have needed a new umbrella for our table in the backyard. I have been making mentally preparations to spend around a $100. Earlier this summer, I got home from work and lo and behold, Bob had bought us a new umbrella for $14! What the what! Other items that seem to good to be true have been Annie's organic fruit snacks and crackers. I can't remember the exact price but I estimate around 30% cheaper then Target and Safeway. I also got a huge bag of flax seed for around $2. So we have saved some money but I usually do not buy fruit snacks and crackers but I was lured in by the price.

We have also had some major disasters at the outlet. The first time I was there I bought a few cans of beans for a chilli I was making and then looked around for a snack. I grabbed a bag of beef jerky that I think was called ends and pieces. Those pieces of God knows what were HORRIBLE. I think it might have been cat or dinosaur meat that the found somewhere. It was incredibly tough and I know this is going to sound really bizarre but it was kind of dusty or ashy. It felt like I had taken a bite of rotten meat that had been dehydrated.

WOW, after writing that I feel a need to take some deep cleansing breath's.

OK, I am feeling better.

I recently bought toilet paper and the only way to describe it was that it was old. It feels like it had been sitting on the shelves for a long time and has gotten a little soggy and then was re-dried along the way. So freaking weird.

I have more to say, so Jen and Bex get ready for more thrilling posts from the underworld of Grocery Outlet.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Quotable Quotes

There has been some very interesting conversations around my house.

Matt to me at the dinner table
"I think I want to be married to a human, thank you" That might have been because I asked him if he would still love me even if I was magically transformed into a dinosaur.

True in the car
"I think I want to be a fashion designer when I grow up and make you a beautiful dress, Mommy!"

True after he met our friends 12 year old daughter.
"I like that girl Mommy, she is so nice, I want her to be my girlfriend."

Zoey when I asked her if she was ready to go to bed
"No way, Mama"

Saturday, July 02, 2011

The knock knock jokes

True has been making up lame knock knock jokes recently.

This morning this one cracked me up.

True - Knock, Knock
Me - Who's there?
True - Chubby face
Me - Chubby face who?
True - Chubby face, actually I am a butt!

I think he heard us talking about a "butt chin" and he made it into his little joke.


Saturday, April 09, 2011

The Wild Chicken Puppet Show

Zoey - Two YEARS old

Hard to believe but Zoey the dream child has officially turned two year old. Kind of blows my mind a little. Time is flying with by and as she is my last ever bio baby I find myself feeling nostalgic and a little sad that she is growing so quickly. She seems to be pretty ok with being a baby forever, if I tell her that she is a big girl (usually in an attempt to get her to do something) she vehemently denies her big girl status and says, "I baby, I baby". Which cracks me up, she really is the funniest two year old I have ever seen. REALLY, you should see her and her gorgeous comedy, it would blow your hair back.

So, we had a huge birthday party. I sent an evite and then invited a whole herd of people who stormed through our house with joy and stamping. It was uhmazing. Around 70 people to celebrate our girl. She took it in stride and had a great time although there were moments when she needed the refuge of a grandparent or mom and dad. We porked down massive amounts of food - 4 smoked chickens, 15 pounds of Korean style brisket, yakisoba, edamame, gyoza, fruit, salad, cupcakes for the kids and strawberry cream cake for the adults. Crazy delicious.

Matt and his Dad had worked on a puppet theater for Zoey's birthday so I felt compelled to entertain the crowd with a humble puppet show that my dear friend Amber did with me. The crowd seemed to like it although Zoey seems to be a little bored with it.

I love my baby.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine's Day

I don't know how this has happened but over the past two years I have gotten really excited about celebrating Valentine's Day.
Matt and I were never really that into it but now that I have kids it has been so fun to throw a big party and create heart's everywhere for my babies and friends.

AND, to be honest I would really like to buy and wear holiday themed sweaters but Matt and my sisters are horrified at the idea. I am giving them a reprieve but the moment I become a grandma I am buying sweaters for Christmas, Valentines' day, Easter, Fourth of July, and Thanksgiving - I can't wait!

Sadly, I had to make it through this Valentine's day without a festive sweater adorned with pink hearts but I compensated with heart shaped cookies, jello jigglers, cupcakes and homemade macaroni and cheese.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Human, raised by humans

Today in the car True told me, "Mom I was just joking about being an elf when I grow up, I want to be a army man!"

Hilarious! Matt asked him if there could be something in between, like a doctor.

Monday, February 07, 2011


Zoey has given True a new nickname.


We love it.

Trying to send an email

True is in the kitchen and he calls out to me, "Mom I will be very very careful with this really sharp knife." He has a huge butcher knife and is trying to peel a kiwi!

He was supposed to be playing puppy.