Aloha friends!
I have a lot to report and finally some pictures! Thanks to our dear Liz Morgan we have figured out our camera problem. Now I have to find a new battery on ebay and until I get the new one, Liz has loaned me one of hers. We are struggling to try to subdue our unruly video camera. We have video of Baby but it will not download to the computer, so hopefully, sooner than later we will see some live action from the little tot.
Speaking of tot's...
Baby True is stumbling around like a drunk little sailor. He LOVES walking and when he does he knows that he is being so cute! He is taking five to seven steps at a time. This picture was taken right after he took a step from the chair to his toy. Check out how happy he is with himself.

Baby is still a very happy, charming baby. He is experiencing a little pain from his teeth which makes him a tad grumpy. But as long as there are people around to talk to him and keep him company he doesn't do much crying. In this picture you can see a little of his three teeth on the bottom, still no teeth on the top. He is also eating his new favorite food, edayame!

Now that I have sung his praises let me tell you that we are VERY tired. Baby was a great sleeper until about 8 months and now he thinks it's great to wake up every three hours. We are exhausted! He goes to sleep well but can't stay asleeep. We are trying to let him learn to cry it out in the crib and go back to sleep but he hates that idea. He stands up in his crib and yells at us, "get up you lazy parents and do what I want!" He knows that we are suckers and weak and we have to work so hard to not get him out of his crib. We need to move his crib out of our room but our house isn't set up that great and I don't want him downstairs by himself.
In this picture he is trying to get to Mama and the computer, he has taken to climbing on to everything he can possibly get on.

Here he is really mad that we have started to belt him into his high chair as he likes to stand up and throw food on our light beige carpet!

And finally this is what happens when you insist on playing with a box. Babies are so fickle, he had to play with it and when he got stuck he screamed and when he got out he looked at me like it was all my fault. I guess it was my fault because I took a picture instead of rescuing him.

I know this post was supposed to be have some info and pictures about the Luau! I wrote and posted a ton of pictures to this post but for some reason firefox kicked me of and I lost it! I will post more later, the luau was great and I am so in love with all of you Ohana Project peope!