Finally, some time to work on a quick report about our luau and some great pictures.
We fed over 180 people, we cooked over seventy pounds of pork, six pots of rice, two huge pans of sweet potatoes, quarts of lomilomi salmon and gallons of green and macaroni salads! The meal turned out wonderfully and the good people of the Ohana Project worked and worked and worked.
The highlight of the luau was the wonderful halau from Hokulani's Hula Studio. The beautiful Kathy once again brought her graceful dancers from her halau and they amazed the crowd.
We have been trying to get the seniors from the Greenwood Senior Center (where we meet on Sunday mornings) to come out to one of our events. We were thrilled to welcome more than twenty wonderful elders and they enjoyed the show immensely. One of the gentleman got up after the hula show and emotionally thanked us for the luau! We were so stoked to have the participation of these lovely people.
Enjoy the pictures, I remembered to take them mostly at the end! Some of them are of us doing the prep work. You of course will see many of baby. He did great and enjoyed the many people who stopped to admire him. :)
Wish we were there! You guys are amazing. But you already knew that, right?!
it's true, the dynamic purple duo does it again!
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