Hey everyone,
We have been crazy busy. Here is a quick rundown.
We closed on our new house on January 25th. As soon as we got the keys we got busy repainting and tearing down wallpaper. We were completely moved in by the 31st. Big thanks to everyone who helped with the move, we couldn't have done it without you.
On February 7th we flew to Oahu and then to the Big Island for my brother Ted's wedding. We had a fabulous time and are so happy to have Jill and Jordyn Meadow as new members of the family. The wedding was incredible and we had a great time dancing and drinking (ED):) jk Another big highlight was seeing Lis and Ed and the Kona Chinen's. Little Hilly was also there newly sprung from NZ and she loved getting to see her new nephew.
We then flew back to Oahu to spend about a week with Mom and Uncle Glen. It was so fun to see the family and for Baby Tru to get to meet everyone.
We were really bad about taking pictures during the trip. Sorry!
Baby Tru has been amazing as usual. He started to roll over (almost 4 months old) on Ted and Jill's wedding day, Fab 10. Now we really have to watch him because he can quickly roll from one side of the room to the other. He landed his face in a heating grate the other day and was not really pleased. At his 4 month appointment he was 16 pounds, matt weighed him yesterday and he was 18 pounds. He laugh's and giggles all the time and is really showing his personality. We started him on a little rice cereal tonight and we will give him poi tommorow.
I promise we will be posting more often. I had 2 stomach flu's and one really nasty cold in Feb. Then we all got a nasty cold in March!!! So forgive us and enjoy a couple of pic's of Baby Tru in all his glory.
Colleen, Matt and Baby Tru
ps: check out the way cool outfit from Aunty Lisa in Everett. It's great because it keeps him really warm when he is rolling around on the floor.
How did he get so cute!!!?!?!?!
Miss you guys....
He is so cute! He has grown so much in such a short time. I miss you guys a lot. Keep on rolling Hiro.
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