Later that day, I told him to go to time out because he was acting very naughty, which did not make him happy. When I was putting him to bed he was having trouble with not freaking out when I tried to leave the room. He grabbed me by the neck and said, " need you, I need you." I told him again that he could sleep by himself and I had to go bathe Zoey. This totally pushed him over the edge and he collapsed into sobs, "You are so naughty mommy, stop being NAUGHTY!"
He is doing fabulous on his ABC's. He talks about them all the time.
Me: What are you doing?
True: Say my ABC's.
Me: What is your favorite letter?
True: W - W say's wah, wah. Where my E go? I want that E. (singing) A, B, C, D, E 12345 L, M, N, O , P.
We repeat that conversation many times throughout the day.
Zoey is the sweetest little baby. She makes everyone smile. She is huge and almost as big as Jones who is two months older. We go to the Dr. on August 3 for her 4 month appointment and shots. True is a little behind on his shots so we will get his done at the same time.
Enjoy a couple of pictures from our trip to Hawaii in June.
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