Saturday, February 20, 2010

Conversations with True

Here is a little bit of my conversations with True tonight.

Me: True, come on get in bed.
(He ignores me)
True: Hey, Zoey's mom
Me? What?
True: Hey, Zoey's mom
Me: Hey, kid! I'm not just Zoey's mom, I am your mom, too!
True: oh
True: Your my mom and my dad is crazy.

Later, I am singing him song while we lay in bed together. He asks me to sing the "quiet song" which is the old Psalty song I grew up singing - I cast all my cares upon you, I lay all of my burdens down at your feet. When I finished singing it I asked him to sing me a song. His song went something like this.

I cast all my care on you-hoo. I lay my burdens, all on your body. and then we are at the farm. there are so many ducks, cows and g-hoatttttss on my farm. then we will dance all over.

Sing it with me, mom!

What a kid!