Wednesday, January 23, 2008

New blog

Hello friends. As you can see my profile picture and information has changed. Right now you are seeing the information for my NEW BLOG, where I hope to do some writing. So check out

I will continue to update this blog with pictures and baby specific information and stories.

I am trying to figure out how to have 2 blogs on blogspot and not have the same profile for each of them... If anyone has any ideas let me know!

Love - Colleen

Here's a picture of our beloved boy and me from December 2006! I have been looking at all of our digital pictures trying to decide which ones to keep. Isn't' he a cute? He keeps on getting sweeter and sweeter!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

New pictures

Hello friends,
Finally some time to post. We have been very busy with a remodel in the basement kitchen, Colleen going back to school and Baby with four more teeth emerging and we got sick for like ten years! But all is well here and we hope you enjoy the photo's! Leave a comment and let us know you are out there!

Much Aloha,
Colleen for Matt and Hiro!