Monday, May 25, 2009

Zoey - Two months old

Zoey had her two month appointment this week. Dr. Haas declared her perfect and in wonderfully good health. She is growing like crazy and weighs 11 pounds 4 ounces. Her height is 23 inches which confused the Dr. a little because when she was first measured at the hospital they didn't do it right and it her official birth height is 22 inches. When she was measured on her second day she was 19 inches. Dr. Haas seemed a little worried that she had not grown enough but I reminded her what happened and from the way she is quickly outgrowing her clothes it is obvious that she is much taller. She is in the 75th percentile for weight head growth and 50 percentile for length. She has an ugly, raised, red birth mark on her back which the Dr. assured will be gone by her second birthday. I was also a little concerned because she has had a cold almost constantly since she was two weeks old. Dr. Haas didn't seem to concerned as she is growing so quickly and is otherwise very healthy. It's hard being the second baby, she gets every cold that True gets. Zoey is sleeping very well, she spend the first part of the night in the bassinet and then I move her to are bed to nurse and snuggle with Mom and Dad. She sleeps better when she is close to us and we like it too!

1 comment:

The Shinnicks said...

Look at those cheeks!! She is beautiful! Like her parents. Love you all!